Mattias and Stina came to visit us today,they bought us a bunch of flowers,Katherine likes so much.We chated a little bit in the apartment and then little Clara felt sleepy but Stina told me that it's really hard to make her sleep so we decided to take a walk at the park.We spent a great time walking around the park lake in the afternoon,the wild geese seem not afraid of people at all,I took a pic of him,he was right in front of my camera displaying his strength to me... ...this's a funny goose.One interesting thing was that I found a chestnut,in Swedish called kastanj,on the ground of the park,Stina told me Swedes seldom eat it,but you know Chinese people really enjoy it.After that we drove back to my apartment and started to cook super for all of us,Mattias and Stina saw some pics we took in Beijing they said i was young then.After the dinner,I played Chinese Chess with Mattias,it's amazing that he could play it and seems quite good at it,i used to play some when I was very young,but I just know the rules but have no strategies,so I made some stupid mistakes during the COMPETITION (-; and at last I lost my game just got the silver medal.
Cute Clara
She wants to eat everything
In the park
The school keeps busy this week,so i hardly have time to blog my blog.This afternoon Mattias,Davis and Tom came to visit us,we talked a lot about the book of Mormon and had a really good time,after the meeting,they tasted a Chinese candy,which was mailed by my mom from Beijing,called Haw Cake,this truly is a chinese candy,they seemed like it and Mattias also took one back home for Stina.haah~I think I should finish our story in Paris as soon as possibleVERSAILLES,VERSAILLES,how I wish I had been a French royalty (-: we woke up early in the morning and made our way to Cimetiere Du Pere Lachaise to see what Chopin's grave is like (I like to play his waltz)then took the suburban train out the city to versailles,I have a question now is that Versailles is a separate town or just a suburb of Paris?Versailles is a cute little town as well as the towns here in Sweden,we went into a bakery to get a French dessert,it's really delicious.Chateau Versailles is right in the middle of the road.The queue to the ticket office was huge,but we were used to it,we waited for almost 1 hour to get into the palace and grab two voice tour guides,one in mandarine and one in English.Lin is fond of history,especially European history,we followed the radio and toured the various apartments of king and queen,the Hall of Mirrors, all the rooms opened to the public,everything was gilded and magnificent and reeked of wealth.Then we headed out to the garden,this is a part of a house?i was wondering what the French King did in this huge garden,the flower beds,fountains and statues were gorgeous.It's a pity that we didn't have time to visit Grand & Petit Trianon which was dominated by Marie-Antoinette,Lin likes her so much and I love Lin so much.I think I dont have time to upload photos,tomorrow~tomorrow~It's mid-autumn day tomorrow,we are here in Sweden missing our family so much~~~~~~~~
Continue our story in Paris
That was our fifth day in Paris,cuz we just had 3 days left,so we decided to visit some famous museums.We first took the metro to Pantheon in the Latin Quarter,the place where Foucault developed his pendulum and it still swings today,along with the burial place of Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Marie Curie, Voltaire, Rousseau and Emile Zola.
We then headed for the Louvre,we didn't take too long to get in,bought the tickets then started to meander around at Denon area,we didn't go directly to Mona Lisa,cuz we had lots of time,the day we went there was Thursday,and Louvre closed at 8.30PM(if my memory serves me).We went through Italian sculptures,Grecian art pieces,French Paintings and Egyptian arts which was Lin's favourite and saw many treasures,we found that all the artworks were amazingly preserved,golden mummy tombs are really amazing to see..but I think our camera didn't do them justice,there was so much reflection from the window,I tried to switch off the flash,but my hands keeping vibrating,so the pic was not clear.
We walked around Louvre for about 4 hours,then we agreed that it's time to visit Mona Lisa.We had a map of Louvre,so we didn't take so long to get to the Mona Lisa,along with everyone else,we bumbled our way on through and got the pic just in front of her,it's not as big as we expected before and it seemed it had faded a little bit,i meant not colorful like in the magazine,someone we met at the gate of Louvre said that a tour guide they had before said that if you were to spend 2 minutes looking at every piece of art you would be in there for over 2 years,It truly is an amazing place.
Pantheon & Pendulum
Seated Statue of Ramses II & Gold Mummy Tomb
Venus & Code of Hammurabi
Luxury Napoleon III Apartments & My Crown ^_^
The roof in Louvre and The Winged Victory of Samothrace
us and Mona Lisa
This is really a busy week,I accepted Per's advice to take a new course called biological interfaces in practice and theory,this is a new area to me,I am not a chemist cuz my major in university was civiling engineering and I didn't do much on chemistry then,but so far I have taken 3 lectures,it seems that everything is going very well,I am really smart:-).I heard that we would have a very tough course called surface chemistry properties of biointerfaces which will begin on 29th Sep,we would then have lectures almost everyday and we would do a great number of chemistry experiments,sounds horrible,but I like challenges.